

吴江润泽纺织品有限公司坐落于素称"日出万匹,衣被天下"的****绸乡吴江市盛泽镇。 公司先后成立子公司: 吴江惠泽喷织有限公司 吴江行程纺织进出口有限公司 绍兴县启尊进出口有限公司 公司现拥有200台230喷水织机,年生产量达1600万米。 目前公司采用科学的管理方法,在产品质量上使用ISO9001:2000国际化标准模式,使产品达到国际先进水平,本公司主要生产职业服,羽绒服,防护服等新型科技出口型面料,有中长类,涤纶类,涤棉类,尼龙类,抗静电类等,五系列数十个品种,品种专一色泽丰富,技术开发力量雄厚。 公司以严格的生产操作规程,****的销售服务赢得了国内外客商的信赖."追求卓越,长远发展"高品位低价位,客户至上----是润泽人永远的目标.每道工序都精益求精努力铸就一个全新的润泽品牌。润泽真诚欢迎国内外新老客商前来考察,交流合作!润泽万家——惠泽天下。 Wujiang Runze Textile Pro. Co., Ltd. was established in March 2003. We are located in the famous "SilkTown" “the textile kingdom ofChina”ShengzeTown,WujiangCity. Our company has 200 imported water-jet looms with the annual capacity of 16 million meters. We also have our own research and development team and a quality assurance team. The production conforms to ISO9001:2000 international standard, so the quality of our products reaches the internationally advanced level, well known all around the world. Our company is mainly engaged in producing and selling uniform fabric such as mini matt, gabardine, cationic, uniform fabric and all kinds of protection (antistatic) and other new technology fabric. With the unique geographical advantage and high quality products, our company set up our own branches of "Wujiang Huize Weaving Pro. Co., Ltd." and "Wujiang Xingcheng Import and Export Pro. Co., Ltd." “Shaoxing country qizun Import and Export Pro.co,Ltd” in April 2007, May 2011 and July 2013 respectively. They are mainly engaged in the development of international fashion casual fabric such as outdoor functional fabric, casual fabric and fashion fabric, enhancing our company competitiveness. "Excellence and Long-Term Development" is every Runze employee goal. "Customer First, Excellent Quality" is our commitment to every customer. We are doing the best to make Runze an international brand. We are very pleased to exchange ideas and cooperate with old and new customers and welcome your visit! Subsidiary Companies of Runze Textile Wujiang HuiZe Tex.Pro.Co.,Ltd Wujiang Xingcheng Import and Export Pro.Co.,Ltd Shaoxing Country Qizun Import and Export Pro.co,Ltd


  • 通讯地址:绍兴市越城区胜利西路云栖东畈渡办公楼(时代精选生活超市2楼)
  • 工作时间:工作日 8:30 - 17:00
  • 0575-88603227

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